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標題: [時事] 獨立vs.父母付帳 [打印本頁]

作者: kakalittlestarz    時間: 2012-10-23 17:07     標題: 獨立vs.父母付帳

Just read this piece of Yahoo HK news....

Well.. I supposed I would want to be financially independent but because of my current academic pursuit I'll have to live on student loans/parental support. I was trying to find a job for my expertise but in Hong Kong, there's nothing about the natural sciences industry except sales/marketing of P&G/J&J...........................................................................I wonder what would happen next year when I am done with school!! Hopefully I don't have to be 啃老族!

What are your comments, sisters?


[ 本帖最後由 kakalittlestarz 於 2012-10-23 19:44 編輯 ]
作者: guardianangel    時間: 2012-10-25 22:26

I know some ppl in a field similar to yours. they're doing landscape architects, working in reserves and in ocean park. natural science means a lot of things. which part are you in?

[ 本帖最後由 guardianangel 於 2012-10-25 22:27 編輯 ]
作者: kakalittlestarz    時間: 2012-10-25 22:56

I study Biological Sciences with a focus on Biotechnology..............IF and only IF I am able to .............nail down a decent offer by December this year....
作者: Lawliet    時間: 2012-10-26 09:51

I studied biology with a focus on ecology when I was in uni.  Faced the same problem as you do upon graduation (I grad in the year of SARS, super bad market).  Wanted to do something related to my major but found that the number of graduates is much more than the number of jobs available in a commercial city like HK.

Anyway, I am doing something totally unrelated to my major.  The good bit is that I quite like my job (just by chance).  Good luck pal.
作者: sloggi123    時間: 2012-10-26 10:38

U grad 後搬出來住, 自己俾租, 俾左1年家用之後就無再俾, 雖然佢地成日問我拎, 但我都無俾 分分鐘慳多左
作者: guardianangel    時間: 2012-10-27 06:18

見到"natural"呢個字我仲以為你係 ecology / environmental 果d...有冇諗過考化驗師牌? 聽講好難考, 同埋唔好 expect 好好 pay, 不過起碼係 related 既工種.
有間 X大基因兩年前黎 hk 請左好多 fresh grad, 要去廣州做 training (至於響hk定內地返工我就唔清楚了), 不過聽講好悶, 話不斷做 DNA sequencing 喎, 識朋友去完 training 就轉左工
有朋友真係做到 biotech 公司既 R&D, 響香港 (好神奇, 竟然有).. 佢係在學期間做完 intern, 畢業人地就請佢.
其實你仲有好多時間先畢業, d 公司未必咁快請定人 wor (呢個 field 係咁, 好少 expect 個 job applicant 要過咁耐先可以開工), anyway 你而家諗定先都岩既

原帖由 kakalittlestarz 於 2012-10-25 22:56 發表
I study Biological Sciences with a focus on Biotechnology..............IF and only IF I am able to .............nail down a decent offer by December this year....

[ 本帖最後由 guardianangel 於 2012-10-27 06:29 編輯 ]

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