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標題: [其他] 除了增長,難道沒有其他? [打印本頁]

作者: 2013    時間: 2013-7-6 17:24     標題: 除了增長,難道沒有其他?




[ 本帖最後由 2013 於 2013-7-6 19:43 編輯 ]
作者: difficult4    時間: 2013-7-6 20:36

其實.... 你想要些什麼樣的"其他"?
作者: 2013    時間: 2013-7-6 21:15



作者: coincidence2    時間: 2013-7-7 01:21

過份追求增長, 好似"中國速度中國模式"咁, 而咩都唔理犧牲咗大自然/個人非物質追求. 香港就成日話驚被新加坡及中國各大城市取代. 有時我想, 係咪下下都要做"第一"? 可唔可以退下火線, 花無百日紅呀....

不丹咪有個快樂指數嘅, 我都幾BUY呢樣野

增長很多時是"產生".......>唔太明樓主意思, 可唔可以講多D?
作者: hattricks16    時間: 2013-7-7 05:52

沒有計劃地增長係有佢既反效果,但沒有增長就沒有進步。試想想,如果沒有增長,我地仲留係石器時代,邊得蒞依家咁舒服?就算唔拉到咁遠,沒有增長,就沒有互聯網,咁樓主又邊得蒞可以開咁多 〔除咗乜乜,難度沒有其他〕?
作者: 2013    時間: 2013-7-7 08:34

作者: hattricks16    時間: 2013-7-7 08:51

原帖由 2013 於 2013-7-7 08:34 發表

I'm getting to be real curious here, you keep on bringing up capitalism, are you pro or against capitalism?  I guess, based on your reply here, we should just stay on the stone age then?  There is no capitalism, we definitely won't be 舒服. and there definitely won't be 剝削, right?
作者: 2013    時間: 2013-7-7 10:13

yes, i against capitalism.

唔見得沒有資本主義就必然stay on the stone age.
農業社會亦不是stone age.

相比現代有環境污染/嗓音污染/空氣污染/水污染/光污染/食物污染......... 比所謂Stone age 更差.
作者: hattricks16    時間: 2013-7-7 10:38

農業社會, what brought people away from agricultural society?  

相比現代有環境污染/嗓音污染/空氣污染/水污染/光污染/食物污染 --> hmmm...environmentalist, eh?  Just curious, do you walk or bike to everywhere?  Do you travel by motor vehicles? Airplane? Ship? Do you use electricity, gas?  Seriously, unless you live in the wood or up in the mountain, you have as much contribution to the pollution as everyone else on this planet.  Unless you're in the way of thinking like, do as I say, not do as I do?

Also, if you hate capitalism so much, what other social structure you prefer?  Socialism?  You know what socialism produces?  Lazy bums.
作者: 2013    時間: 2013-7-7 10:58

what brought people away from agricultural society?  



socialism=Lazy bums??

資本主義社會有很多Lazy bums,專業炒股票,富二代,收租過活..........

[ 本帖最後由 2013 於 2013-7-7 11:00 編輯 ]
作者: coincidence2    時間: 2013-7-7 11:28

原帖由 2013 於 2013-7-7 10:13 發表
yes, i against capitalism.

唔見得沒有資本主義就必然stay on the stone age.
農業社會亦不是stone age.

相比現代有環境污染/嗓音污染/空氣污染/水污染/光污染/食 ...

資本主義又好, 社會主義又好, 都是同資源分配有關吧.
看來樓主有意skip某d人的comment, 只同自己認為是夠格討論的人討論. 都真係幾傲慢.不過都唔會阻到其他人繼續發聲的
作者: coincidence2    時間: 2013-7-7 11:37

原帖由 hattricks16 於 2013-7-7 10:38 發表
農業社會, what brought people away from agricultural society?  

相比現代有環境污染/嗓音污染/空氣污染/水污染/光污染/食物污染 --> hmmm...environmentalist, eh?  Just curious ...

想起一鳴一年唔向大財團地產商消費, 又唔搭巴士MTR 好難有人好似佢咁堅持, 係香港
作者: hattricks16    時間: 2013-7-7 12:59

原帖由 coincidence2 於 2013-7-7 11:37 發表

想起一鳴一年唔向大財團地產商消費, 又唔搭巴士MTR 好難有人好似佢咁堅持, 係香港

who is 一鳴?  You mean he walks to everywhere? Swim across the sea, back and forth from HK island and Kowloon? @_@
Did not eat out?  What did he drink, tab water or bottled water, coffee? Liquor? I don't know if it's possible that didn't spent one cent on the big corporations.
作者: hattricks16    時間: 2013-7-7 14:07

原帖由 2013 於 2013-7-7 10:58 發表
what brought people away from agricultural society?  


按你相信資本主義是萬能, --->no, no....我冇講過係萬能。

只要得到你認為的舒適及方便,一切的污染都在所不惜 ---> 你哩?你可以放棄舒適同方便嘛?你覺得你對污染完全冇貢獻?C’mon, seriously?

socialism=Lazy bums??  --->  No, socialism produces lazy bums.  Why should people work hard, government will take care of you.  No income? No problem, there are plenty of social assistance. You can live a comfortable life on welfare.  There are people refuse to work cos welfare support them.

資本主義社會有很多Lazy bums,專業炒股票,富二代,收租過活. --->  Well, 佢地條命生得好,可能前生立咗好多善因,可以含住條銀匙出世,正所謂各有前因莫羨人。I have no problem with those, they are doing all their lavish things on their old men's dimes.  But those rely on social assistance doing it on my tax dollars, those are the one I have problem with.
作者: 2013    時間: 2013-7-7 14:25





點解 socialism 唔可以啲人去做一部份時候去做自己喜歡的工作,發揮個人長處,只係你地心目中"""socialism produces lazy bums.  Why should people work hard, government will take care of you.  No income? No problem, there are plenty of social assistance. You can live a comfortable life on welfare.  There are people refuse to work cos welfare support them."""""????????

不勞而獲都係Lazy bums,唔係共產至有.
作者: hattricks16    時間: 2013-7-7 14:54

我只係想指出你個那個論點不成立. --> which one?

我們有沒有選擇呢? ---> Really?  WOW...just WOW...

貢獻? ---> Yes, do you honestly believe that you never contribute to the polution

點解 socialism 唔可以啲人去做一部份時候去做自己喜歡的工作,發揮個人長處,

whoa, you lost me here....are you saying socialism stops people from doing what they like?

只係你地心目中"""socialism produces lazy bums.  ---> nope, it's not just in my mind, it's actually happening.  I see it, cos when I received my pay check, a good chunk of it got taxed away, and a good chunk of my tax dollars go into social programs.  I have met people on welfare, they go grocery shopping in taxi, they go to liquor store in taxi. I'm not imagining things, I see it with my own eyes.

不勞而獲都係Lazy bums,唔係共產至有. ---> yes, but I only have problem with those who is doing it on my tax dollars.
作者: 2013    時間: 2013-7-7 15:04



點解 socialism 唔可以啲人去做自己喜歡的工作,發揮個人長處?

而一定係你所謂lazy bums?


重有好多好多人.....都唔係用你的tax 生活,但比你差好多,甘佢地又點?
作者: hattricks16    時間: 2013-7-7 15:28

點解 socialism 唔可以啲人去做自己喜歡的工作,發揮個人長處?  ---> 我唔係話 socialism 唔可以,講真,乜 lism 都好,世事幾有盡如人意?做自己喜歡的工作?IMHO, doesn't matter how much you like your job, spending 10, 20 years on it, you'll grow to hate it.  

而一定係你所謂lazy bums?  --->  well, not all people are lazy bums in socialist society, there are many hard working people, but, the socialism aspect does encourage lazy bums from happening.

除左表面上佢地坐的士,佢地生活質素同你比,佢地是甚麼?  --->  haha, I can't afford taking taxi,  I work hard for my quality of life.  Their quality of life is handed to them, so, they are bums.    

重有好多好多人.....都唔係用你的tax 生活,但比你差好多,甘佢地又點?  ---> 喺我呢度,當然有人生活俾我差。嗰啲通常都唔 depends on social assistance.  The fact of the matter is, here, if you're willing to work, you won't starve.  The problem is the system, if you income reach a certain level, you get no assistance, but if you have no income, you get oodles of money from the government.  See, you get more money by not working.  

Mind you, Canada is not a true socialist country, but our social program drives us crazy.  
作者: 2013    時間: 2013-7-7 15:40

no matter how you will hate your job or not. but 有幾多人可以做自己喜歡的工作??



作者: hattricks16    時間: 2013-7-8 05:39

no matter how you will hate your job or not. but




有幾多人可以做自己喜歡的工作??  相信都唔少,講返轉頭,是否咁重要?
instead of do what you like, why not like what you do?
appreciate the job at hand, instead of thinking, I'm too good for this job?

don't stress out on things that are beyond our control
作者: 2013    時間: 2013-7-8 07:05

作者: hattricks16    時間: 2013-7-8 14:39

作者: 2013    時間: 2013-7-8 17:34


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